Reduce your inventory and returns with Roupa

Roupa connects customers to products through a professional home-delivery tryon service.

The only way to see your clothes in person.

Free shipping and free returns with purchase, and 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

Free Returns & Shipping.

We'll pick up your items from you for free and deliver them back on the same day with no return cost to the customer or store owner.

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Inventory Management Made Easy.

Keep track of what's selling well, what's not moving at all and more without adding extra work on your end!

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Home Try-Ons for Your Store

Every day, millions of people come to your online store. They may love it or they may not - but in the end, they leave without buying anything. Why? Because they don't know what size will fit them best. Roupa offers professional home try-ons and sizes that are delivered to your customers with a few clicks on their phone. We do all the work for you so you can focus on what matters most: Selling more clothes!

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How it works.

Your customer requests a product delivery from you and schedules the delivery with Roupa.

We send out a stylist to pick up the products at your store after receiving a request from our web-app or from our API endpoint.

You accept the order with the tablet you received from us.

You prepare the pickup, and we deliver them to your customer's home in 48 hours.

The customer trys on their items in their home, and returns anything they don't want.

The customer has 15 minutes to try on their items and keep the items which they like.

The stylist returns any products that were not purchased back to the store.

You confirm receipt, and we bill the customer for the items they kept.

Available in Toronto and Miami.